
Sightseeing, Top 3 spots of Seoul

Loved by people in Seoul also

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  • 투어 03Sightseeing, Top 3 spots of Seoul
  • 투어 03Sightseeing, Top 3 spots of Seoul

Tour issue

▶ Please check the minimum Pax, of your tour group
▶ The tour starting minimum Pax is 2
▶ If the minimum Pax is not filled before the tour date, the tour will be canceled.


Bukchon Hanok Village, preserved Hanok style homes where the lords lived 500 years ago. Healing Time in Seoul N-Seoul Tower, a landmark of Seoul, famous for its panoramic view of Seoul, promises of eternal love with the lock of love. 
The northern part of Seoul is famous for its towns (villages), where people lived since ancient times because it is around the royal palace. Among them, Bukchon Hanok Village is attracting attention as a sightseeing destination that Koreans want to visit. As you walk through the hanok in Bukchon, you can see the life of the people in Korea.
Seoul Tower is also famous as a place for various dramas! When you look at Seoul from the top of Mt. Namsan, you will be immersed in the charm of Seoul. Especially when the weather is clear if you are lucky you can see North Korea from Seoul Tower.
Looking out at the panoramic view of Seoul from the Seoul Tower, promising an eternal love setting it through a lock of love.

What you can expect

▶ Analyzed tour course
▶ Traditional house of Korea


▶ Buckchon Hanok Village
▶ N Seoul Tower
▶ History & Modern collaboration
▶ 3 Iconic places of Seoul


Hotel → Bukchon Hanok Village → N Seoul Tower → Amethyst or Ginseng Center → Pass by Cheonggye Stream → Myeongdong Sending
  1. 북촌한옥마을2.jpg The town of relaxation in Seoul, Korea: even though Seoul is full of big billboard signs of global companies and so many people running around in a hurry.The time clock has stopped 30-40 years ago at this town.This is the Bukchon Hanok Village in the middle of Seoul City.In the Bukchon Hanok Village, the past and the modern times mysteriously coexist with each other. This town reserves the old appearance of Korea really well like the public bath, barber shop, mill, oil shop, and others within the 30~40 years range.If people visit Bukchon Hanok Village and look around in every corner that are filled with Hanok housings intensely, whoever you may be, will fall in love with the beauty of this place.
  2. info_photo_229_1.jpg N Seoul Tower, which is on top of the Namsan Mountain is 479.7 meter high. It is the 2nd tallest tower of the world.When you go up to the observatory of this place, you will see the fabulous panorama of Seoul.Also, N Seoul tower has a beautiful night view, you will see the beautiful scenery at the observatory as well as the outside of the tower in this representative landmark of Seoul.In the N Seoul tower; concert, love festival, love locker event, and other various events take place throughout 365 days a year, you will not be bored regardless of when you visit here.
  3. 인삼 자수정5.png The colour of Amethyst is as unique as it is seductive, though in fact this gemstone of all gemstones is said to protect its wearer against seduction. Korean Amethyst is extravagance in violet since it has been formed from granite stone base since 5000 years. Moses described it as a symbol of the Spirit of God in the official robes of the High Priest of the Jews, and the Russian Empress Catherine the Great sent thousands of miners into the Urals to look for it. It was said to protect crops against tempests and locusts, bring good fortune in war and in the hunt, drive out evil spirits and inspire the intellect.  Ginseng is renowned for its effectiveness as a great healer for living ever so young.Especially if you eat ginseng when you lose your energy, it really helps to regain energy.Korea is acknowledged by the world because of the quality of ginseng as if it is the birthplace of ginseng.You can experience various kinds of ginseng products like gingersnap, extract, ginseng preserved in honey, and other great quality of products made in Korea.
  4. 청계천.JPG Koreans call Chunggyecheon as an oasis in the city central that is awakened from a long sleep. Among the dense tall buildings’ line-up, one ray of water is flowing through the central. Chunggyecheon has become a resting and picnic place for office workers at their lunch time and weekends. This place is chosen as the most beautiful ‘100 roads’ in Korea, it is really good for taking a stroll during a warm sun shining day. 
  5. info_photo_542_3.jpg Myeong-dong Street is a one kilometer area from Myeong-dong Station to Euljiro and Lotte Department Store. Myeong-dong is the busiest region in Seoul and is the leader in Korean fashion trends. Not only will you find large shopping malls and famous brand name shops where you can find clothing and shoes, but fast food chains, cozy cafes and specialty restaurants fill the alleys.

Why Cosmojin

Welcome to CosmoJin. Thanks for your interest and support for our service.

Cosmojin travel has run Seoul daily city tour for more than 17 years. We developed the most attractive tour packages for travelers and will continue to create new programs to meet international traveler’s need.

Our mission is to make every step of your tour simple! Traveling should be all about playing and no hard work, don’t waste your time to find your way! Simply travel with CosmoJin, we will do the rest. With so many activities waiting to be discovered, our goal is to connect travelers with the experiences you want and need!

With the professionally trained guides from Cosmojin, offering the best of the best tour for you. The perfect tour will make your travel and memories of Seoul special.
Cosmojin is always after the professionalism.

Tour Included

▶ Professional guide
▶ Transportation
▶ Entrance Fee
▶ Free Pick-up Service

Tour Excluded

▶ Lunch
▶ Sending Service

Pick-up Service

▶ Hotel (In Seoul only)
▶ City Hall (@ 09:20 pm)

Sending Service

▶ Myeongdong

Payment / Cancelation

▶ Cancel by 18:00 one day before the scheduled tour: 100% REFUND
▶ Cancel after 18:00 one day before the tour date: cancellation fee of 100% of the tour cost.
▶ Cancel at or after the tour begins or no-show: NO REFUND


▶ Please bring the voucher for the tour

Cosmojin is registered in liability insurance corresponding KRW 300,000,000 for travel business license.

  • The customers are not registered for accident insurance covering the medical expenses in case of accidents happening on the day of the event, so please check beforehand with the tour guide if customers are registered with travel insurance from homeland.
  • Please refer to the special terms and conditions on the website for insurance coverage.

(1) Reviews

  • 2017-04-03


I have arranged the tour for my friends visited from UK They absolutely loved it!! Well organized and great service, also the guide was very professional.